A few words about the product

Wooden railway sleepers

Sleepers are beams transverse to the track bed, on which rails are fastened with special fasteners. The most commonly used sleepers are: wooden, prestressed concrete, concrete and steel ones. Oak sleepers are produced in Tartak Kleniewski. Their advantages include, among others:
– the fact that they do not conduct electricity (important due to electrical installations on the railway)
– they dampen vibrations very well – for this reason they are used on engineering structures (bridges, viaducts)

Oak railway sleepers

Timber sleepers are also used on curves with a radius of less than 250 metres, and on steep gradients. They are the most common type of sleeper on local lines, although they can also be seen on older main lines where the surface has not been replaced. The life span of wooden sleepers is: 18-33 years.
There are also sleepers made of pine, but oak sleepers have the greatest durability and strength.

Types of oak sleepers according to EU standards

Railway sleepers in the cross-section have a beam or round shape. Each of these types is divided into types that are strictly specified in the European Union standard PN-EN 13145+A1:2021, which defines the requirements for wood materials of railway sleepers (standard harmonised with the European Commission Regulation No. 1299/2014 of 18.112014 concerning technical specifications for interoperability "TSI" of the "Infrastructure" subsystem of the railway system in the European Union). Tartak Kleniewski manufactures oak sleepers using European requirements.
TYPE IB - 2600mm


Our sawmill offers professional transport for bulk orders.
We have two trucks with platforms, but we are also able to arrange external forwarding on request.
The load capacity of each of our vehicles is 24 tons. The material is transported throughout Poland and other European countries.

Zamówienie / kontakt

Zapraszamy do współpracy zarówno odbiorców krajowych (Polska) jak i z innych Państw Europejskich. Firma Kleniewski Tartak prowadzi stałe dostawy do Niemiec, Belgii, Holandii, Francji, Wielkiej Brytanii, Austrii, Włoch, Czech, Słowacji i Bułgarii.
Jesteśmy również otwarci na inne destynacje.

+48 84 660 70 53
+48 84 660 72 03