A few words about the product
Pine raw lumber is soft, resilient and susceptible to manual and machine processing. It is an easy material to grind. The sapwood is broad, usually comprising more than 25 annual growth increments, has a yellowish-white shade and is clearly demarcated from the heartwood. The heartwood, when sawn, is very similar to the sapwood, but turns a brownish-red shade over time. Fresh pine lumber has an intense smell of resin, which slowly disappears. As much as 68% of the Polish forest area is occupied by Scots pine. Its great popularity shapes its relatively low price.

It is the price of the product juxtaposed with its not too bad quality that constitutes a high value for clients. Pine sawn timber is used in places where the ideal wood is not a necessity. In particular, this is:
– construction,
– horticulture,
– industrial packaging production,
– pallet production.

Quality classes
Thickness and width - our standards

Pine raw lumber is produced based on client’s order.
Its minimum thickness is 25 mm and width 101 mm.
A popular product in the sawmill industry is pine rough sawn timber for construction,
which is also produced by Tartak Kleniewski.
Construction lumber in quality class 3 is available in the following dimensions:
Pine raw sawn timber - moisture content level

Due to the fact that pine edgings are raw timber, no measurements of moisture content are carried out. The average moisture content of raw pine wood varies between 50 % and 70 %.

Depending on the client’s needs, the purchased order may be dried to a specific moisture level. Our sawn timber is dried in chambers, with a total drying load of 1200 m3 in as many as 13 chambers. Our drying kilns have been equipped with the Swedish Alent Dynamic heat treatment system, thanks to which the natural process of cracking the wood during drying is minimised, which has a significant influence on the final quality of the lumber.

Tartak Kleniewski also offers impregnation of the ordered goods. Impregnation takes place by immersing the wood in a bathtub with the impregnant for a specified time, until the wood is properly saturated with the preparation. Bochemit GB Profi in brown colour is used for impregnation. The product has all certificates and is designed to protect wooden structures against fungi and insects.
Our sawmill offers professional transport for bulk orders.
We have two trucks with platforms, but we are also able to arrange external forwarding on request.
The load capacity of each of our vehicles is 24 tons. The material is transported throughout Poland and other European countries.

Zamówienie / kontakt
Zapraszamy do współpracy zarówno odbiorców krajowych (Polska) jak i z innych Państw Europejskich. Firma Kleniewski Tartak prowadzi stałe dostawy do Niemiec, Belgii, Holandii, Francji, Wielkiej Brytanii, Austrii, Włoch, Czech, Słowacji i Bułgarii.
Jesteśmy również otwarci na inne destynacje.