Oak block sawn wood
The sale of our oak lumber takes place every Tuesday and Thursday.
Last update of prices and product availability in stock: 16:43, 17.05.2022
Oak sawn wood
The sale of our oak lumber takes place every Tuesday and Thursday.
Last update of prices and product availability in stock: 16:43, 17.05.2022
Pine block sawn wood
The sale of our oak lumber takes place every Tuesday and Thursday.
Last update of prices and product availability in stock: 16:43, 17.05.2022

Haven’t found the product you want?
The above table includes only current retail prices for selected products.
Some of the raw materials we sell are priced individually based on order specifications.
To receive a quote, please contact us.
Zamówienie / kontakt
Zapraszamy do współpracy zarówno odbiorców krajowych (Polska) jak i z innych Państw Europejskich. Firma Kleniewski Tartak prowadzi stałe dostawy do Niemiec, Belgii, Holandii, Francji, Wielkiej Brytanii, Austrii, Włoch, Czech, Słowacji i Bułgarii.
Jesteśmy również otwarci na inne destynacje.